Week 6: Research Project – Unit 2


In this post I will be researching into a question that I have decided on. The question is: Are ethnic minorities represented enough in UK media? I will be doing primary research through a survey and secondary research by finding information on the internet about my question.

I created a survey using SurveyMonkey in order to get answers to my questions so that I can create a suitable conclusion for my work.

Here is a link to my survey:



Through my survey I found out that 75% of people I surveyed thought that there were not enough ethnic minorities on TV; compared to 25% who thought there were enough.

For my question “In your opinion does it matter if an actor is an ethnic minority?” most of the answers consisted along the lines of “It all depends on the role and if their ethnicity has an impact on that” and “It does if it is relevant to the plot, but if not then it doesn’t matter that much” this may point to people wanting to see more ethnic minorities in lead roles, but only when the role is for their character and it isn’t forced to fit diversity quotas.

I also did secondary research into ethnic minorities on TV and found out that exactly 1/3 of news presenters on the BBC are ethnic minorities compared to ethnic minorities being only 13% of the population.

There have been movies in recent years to get more minority actors into roles on TV, as seen here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2608492/Lenny-Henry-calls-boycott-BBC-licence-fee-unless-corporation-diversifies-gets-black-ethnic-people-television.html. Lenny Henry, one of the most well known black actors in the UK, along with others like Idris Elba want funds to be ring-fenced for specialist programmes to get minorities into acting.


Week 6: Research Project – Unit 2

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